Climate Crisis - The Basic
COP26, Paris Agreement, NDCs, & Climate Science
GHG Emission Control: NDCs and Status
4 Charts Explain Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Countries and Sectors
Very useful interactive graphic showing different countries’ emissions and sectors within different countries.
(Published by the World Resources Institute, updated: Feb 2020)
Climate Progress Snapshots
2020 marked a turning point in the race to a healthier, more resilient and more regenerative economy with zero emissions by 2050. The strengthened commitments (in the form of Nationally Determined Contributions - NDCs) that countries around the world bring to the UN's COP26 climate summit in November 2021 - as required under the 2015 Paris Agreement - will go a long way in cementing the 2020 turning point. Meanwhile, change is happening across the global economy, driven by cities, regions businesses and investors - and often much faster than national governments.
This open-access snapshot tool pulls together the myriad of climate pledges and changes taking hold in the real economy, and includes in-depth research briefings on the impacts of climate change, policies, sectoral potential and other timely topics.
2020 NDC Tracker
The Paris Agreement calls on countries to deliver new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) every five years that are informed by the latest advances in technology, science and shifting economic trends.
Detailed update on all countries that are updating or enhancing their national climate commitments in 2020 or in the lead up to COP26.
(Published by Climate Watch)
Climate Science
(for laypersons)
Global Weirding
A helpful video series for laypersons on climate, politics, and religion.
By the renowned climate scientist and devoted Christian Dr. Katharine Hayhoe
Skeptical Science
A comprehensive website explaining climate change science & rebutting global warming misinformation.